What is GAPP?
Georgia Pediatric Program (GAPP) is a Medicaid program that provides services to medically fragile children under the age of 21 in need of skilled nursing care and personal care support in their homes and in the community. Services are approved based on the child’s medical needs, and families who are eligible for Medicaid can apply for GAPP at any time.
What Is Katie Beckett?
The Katie Beckett Waiver or “Deeming Waiver” grants Medicaid Benefits to children under the age of 18 regardless of their parents’ income. Qualification for the Katie Beckett Waiver is based solely on the institutional level of care the child requires. If a child receives the Katie Beckett Waiver, they become eligible for all services available under the regular state Medicaid plan, including GAPP services.
Gapp Services
- Bathing
- light meal prep
- light housekeeping
- IV therapies
- Wound Care
- Tube feedings
- Gastrointestinal disorders
GAPP Approval Process
- We will come out to your home to sign consent paperwork and to gather other required information
- We will submits paperwork to GAPP (GAPP has up to 30 days to approve)
- We will receive a decision from GAPP
- We will contact you to schedule the Start of Care.